Research Database

2 results for "European Congress of Obesity (ECO)"

What Children do all Day: The Physical Activity of 7-year-olds and its Impact on Adiposity (The Earlybird Diabetes Study)

  • Added on June 18, 2012

Introduction physical activity (PA) is perceived to be a key determinant of childhood adiposity. This study objectively characterizes the daily PA of 7-year-olds and relates it to waking time, intensity, UK recommendations and body fat. Methods and Participants MTI-Actigraph accelerometers were worn by 129 (88) healthy boys (girls) for seven days. Calibration ...

Variation in Physical Activity Lies with the Child, Not the Environment: Evidence for an ‘Activitystat’ in Children (The EarlyBird Diabetes Study)

  • Added on June 15, 2012

Introduction There is much interest in children’s physical activity (PA), but little understanding of its control. The evidence that total activity levels could be increased by the provision of greater opportunity for physical activity is lacking. Methods and Participants MTI-Actigraph accelerometers recorded weekly PA in two groups of healthy ...